Saturday, March 12, 2011

If Sigur Rós were Indian... kind of

Master, show some compassion on me,
Please come and dwell in my heart.
Because without you, it is painfully lonely,
Fill this empty pot with the nectar of love.

I do not know any Tantra, Mantra or ritualistic worship,
I know and believe only in you.
I have been searching for you all over the world,
Please come and hold my hand now.

Don't pass this one up...

Ravi Shankar - Prabhujee (1997: Chants of India)


Alanna said...

Chants of India is one of my all-time favorite morning albums!

Devon said...

Right on!! I actually had never heard of this until recently when I saw this: I think it's the last time George Harrison performed live. Skip ahead to 9:50 and you can hear a bit of George, Ravi, and Ravi's wife playing this song. Wish I could find a video of the whole thing... I don't think it exists except in some dark recess of the VH1 archive catacombs.