Saturday, April 30, 2011

Neil Young Gettin' Old

It seems to me that the most brilliant artists have a golden period and then lose their magic touch with the passing of time.  A few examples: Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, David Byrne... and in more recent times: Arcade Fire, Wilco... I know not everyone will agree with me... but it's a fact: the output of these artists has been diminishing in quality since they peaked.  So it's a very special thing when a musician like this manages to pop out a great song whilst wallowing in the winter of his career.  Neil Young managed to pull that off with his song 'The Way.'  A song that could only ever be at the end of an album... it sounds like it could have been on After the Gold Rush.  This is what these artists should be doing... reflecting on their experiences and sharing their wisdom:

Neil Young - The Way (2007: Chrome Dreams II)

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