Thursday, April 14, 2011

Neva Dinova

While I'm on the topic of M. Ward and Bright Eyes (sort of) I thought I'd post a couple songs by Neva Dinova... a somewhat overlooked band on Saddle Creek.  In my opinion they're one of those bands who has a lot of filler but the songs that are good and more than good.

(2004: One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels)
 - I love the vocal style of their singer, Jake Bellows (good last name for a singer, eh?).  His voice is like elastic, it bends and sways into and out of every note, makes me dizzy in a good way.

(2004: One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels)
 - This one was actually written by Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes)... but I think it needed Bellows' voice to be as good as it is.  I remember I saw them play this in 2005 at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (where they were opening for M. Ward).  If you listen you'll hear there's a sort of whistle solo in the middle of the song... right before he played it live he asked the audience if we wanted a whistle solo or guitar solo... and I, being a total dork, had gotten there super early and gotten the front row/center seat, about 3 feet from the band.  So I said, "whistle!"... and he whistled.. and it was amazing.

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