Sunday, April 10, 2011

Music for the Gray Day

Whenever there's bad weather in April I hear people say that they're upset because they've been waiting so long for Spring and the good weather that goes along with it.  Don't forget: April showers bring May flowers.  Cloudy days are just as much a part of Spring as sunny days.  But after the cold winter it's tough not to want some sun. Here's some music for the gray days that precede what you've all been waiting for:

Bruno Coulais - Exploration (2009: Coraline)

Joanna Newsom - Sprout and the Bean (2004: The Milk-Eyed Mender)

Vashti Bunyan - Diamond Day (1970: Just Another Diamond Day)

Frank Churchill & Larry Morey - Little April Shower (1942: Bambi)

...and hey, it could be a lot worse.  Today is the anniversary of an event that caused the 'Year Without a Summer.'  For 25 P&P Points: what was that event?


Jason said...


Pongo said...

Very good!! You're on the board!! A year without Summer... what bummer! From Wikipedia: "Historian John D. Post has called this 'the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world'" Crazy, right!

Jason said...

Yeah, but that's not true. I was out of pasta the other day and that sucked.

Pongo said...

oh wait... yea, you might be right

Jason said...

Can we survive another catastrophe like that? Should I start buying more sardines?

Brady said...

Speaking of crappy was close to 70 degrees here on Tuesday, and then yesterday it was below freezing with the wind chill. Today it's cold, and we're supposed to get some snow at some point. I hate North Dakota!

Pongo said...

Yikes, sounds miserable... better take that Wellness!