Monday, November 21, 2011

Waking Dream

Charles Trénet - La Mer (1946: La Mer)

“I dream with my eyes
open and always, by day
and night, I dream.
And over the foam
of the wide and restless sea,
and through the spiraling
sands of the desert,
upon a mighty lion,
monarch of my breast,
blithely astride
its docile neck,
always I see, floating,
a boy, who calls to me!”

By José Martí (Cuba, 1853-1895)

From the poem: Waking Dream

Ennio Morricone - E la donna creò l'uomo (1964: ...e la donna creò l'uomo)

Gentle willow
almost gold, almost amber,
almost daylight

By José Juan Tablada (Mexico, 1871-1945)

From the poem: Willow (Translated by Roberto Tejada)

1 comment:

Pongo said...

For the Marti poem in the original Spanish go here: